Learn all about investing in real estate in Lewisville, Texas with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Lewisville plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Lewisville).
Latest Episodes
Buying Down Mortgage Interest Rates for Real Estate Investors
When buying a rental property, one way to improve cash flow is to buy down the mortgage interest rate. We explore this idea and how to determine how far to buy down th...
Other Financing Options for Real Estate Investors
Going beyond conventional loans, FHA loans, VA loans and portfolio financing to including all the creative financing, private money, hard money, HELOCs, cash, partners...
Amazing Rental Property Cash Flow Strategy with Ryan Chaw
Student rentals with Ryan Chaw.
Is it Better to Nomad™ or Buy Rentals All Cash?
Is it Better to Nomad™ or Buy a Single Owner-Occupant with 5% down then Buy up to 9 Rentals All Cash?
The Importance of Loan Planning for Real Estate Investors
Loan planning for for real estate investors in Lewisville to address the 10 loan limit for purchasing new investment properties.